Tugboat equipment failure during unmooring operations

Report Text:

During unmooring, the forward tugboat was unable to pull due to a defective winch brake. The master took the initiative and instructed the pilot, who was unable to react to the situation, to release the tugboat, ordering it to push on the other side. Unmoor – ing was carried out under a strong current.

Corrective Action: A review of the Mooring/Unmooring risk assessment and job hazard assessment was undertaken.

Lessons Learned: Mooring is a risky operation involving a number of various and fast changing parameters and factors. Therefore, the ship personnel should be well pre pared not only to properly implement the safety and risk control measures already established by the Company but to assess and react effectively to any new hazard that might occur.

CHIRP Comment

The report demonstrated good leader – ship by the Master but it also highlights the importance of a good working relationship between the pilot and the bridge team.