Lifejacket Donning Instructions

Report Text:

Regarding the article on lifejacket design in Issue 31 of CHIRP Maritime Feedback, the wearer of the lifejacket in the photograph has not placed his hands in the correct position for entering the water.  It may give the wrong advice to other users.  One hand should firmly grasp the lifejacket just below the chin, pulling down to avoid injury to the neck when entering from any height and the other hand should be placed over the nose as illustrated.

CHIRP Comment:

The photo in Issue 31 shows the wearer with his arms across his chest, holding his nose with one hand and grasping his wrist with the other hand.  This method is the same as that shown by a major supplier of lifesaving appliances in their donning instructions.

Nevertheless, we recognise the merit of the method described by our correspondent of holding the lifejacket just below the chin with one hand, and covering the mouth and nose with the other. 

On carrying out a web-search of donning instructions for lifejackets, we note that there is little consistency between the various manufacturers.  Some show both arms being across the chest, without covering the mouth or nose.  Others show how to tie the lifejacket but give no guidance on holding the lifejacket or covering the mouth and nose.  We are inviting comments from manufacturers of lifejackets.