I’m not going to board until you rig a compliant ladder


Two reports describing how pilot boarding was suspended until satisfactory arrangements were provided.

What the Reporters told us:

  • Accommodation ladder did not have safety stanchions rigged on bottom platform and ship had only partially rigged the safety ropes. Suspended pilot boarding for 15 minutes for crew to rectify deficiency and make safe. Crew had poor communication skills and did not appear to understand what was required to provide safe pilot transfer arrangements.


  • Before embarking at the pilot station, a pilot noticed that the combination ladder was not secure to ship’s side. Vessel was turned around for corrective actions which entailed securing pilot ladder and gangway with magnets which were available on request.

CHIRP Comment:

The Maritime Advisory Board highlights the potential for vessels to be refused a pilot with consequential delays and cost implications. One member advised that a vessel was refused a pilot for departure until a new ladder was purchased, with the consequential cost of 4 tugs to shift the vessel on and off a layby berth.


Report Ends…….