Fouled by Fishing Net

Report Text:

Passage between Breskens and Burnham on Crouch just before TSS.

@ 51°-36′.00N 02°-29’E:- Loud bang – stbd engine dropped to 1700rpm from 2300 (thorough check of engine and transmission outputs) concluded FOULED PROP – stbd engine would attain only 1700rpm – matched port engine to 1700rpm, 8kn was possible – proceeded to B.O.C.

Boat removed from water next day – a 1.5m “ball” of fishing net removed from stbd prop – SNAPPED the fixed part of the rope cutter – lucky we could use stbd propulsion at all.

CHIRP Comment:

The disablement of small craft by fishing gear, in this case discarded net but often by buoys and lines that are difficult to see, appears to be an on-going problem.  We make no pretence that there is an easy solution but we do encourage continued reporting of incidents so that, if appropriate, we can build the case for actions to improve the situation.