Category Archives: Uncategorised

Steering gear malfunction

Initial Report As a container ship was conducting outbound pilotage, the bridge team noticed a delay in response of the steering gear. At the same time, they noticed an alarm indicating “EMERGENCY – XX, SERVO LOOP”. The steering gear was in manual mode operated by Follow-Up (FU) No. 1 and No. 2 system control units. […]

Drug abuse on fishing vessels

Outline: CHIRP has received two reports from official sources highlighting the use of drugs on board commercial fishing vessels.   What the reporters told us: Increasing drug abuse has been identified on several commercial fishing vessels operating in a specific area. Allegedly cocaine is being used by a number of crew members and it was […]

AIS and ECDIS offsets.

Outline: We have received several reports which outline position anomalies between a vessel’s AIS and ECDIS, and positions obtained from a PPU or by visual / radar position fixing.   What the Reporter told us (1): Prior to getting underway, there was no error on the ECDIS displays. However, once moving, an error was evident. […]

Ship shore interface – shore gangway.

Outline: A report highlighting poor practice by shore workers whilst removing a gangway from the ship. What the Reporter told us: Recently, whilst in port on a cruise, the gangway was installed and removed by a road crane managed by the port. Just before the ship sailed, three personnel, (a crane driver and two stevedores), […]

Port arrival and berthing mishaps (3)

This report should be read in conjunction with Port arrival and berthing mishaps (1), (2) and (4) Outline: CHIRP has received several reports relating to  port  arrival  and  berthing.  The  following  reports cover communication failings, maintenance issues, and operational concerns. What the Reporter told us (3): Whilst berthing the vessel a tug order was missed resulting   […]

Passenger Vessel Safety (1)

This report should be read in conjunction with “Passenger Vessel Safety (2) and (3)” Outline: CHIRP has received several reports regarding both domestic and international passenger vessels outlining failings in safety  management. What the Reporter told us (1): I was on a cruise earlier this year. As an ex-mariner I was shocked by the occasional […]

Swamping of a RIB and subsequent beaching of a yacht

Outline: A yacht gets into trouble and requires assistance but it all goes  wrong. What the Reporter told us: A yacht suffered engine problems while on passage and the skipper requested a tow from the mouth of the river to his berth at the yacht club. The club launched a rigid inflatable boat, (RIB), crewed and […]

Best Practice – Muster Stations

With reference to CHIRP issue No.47 Best Practice – Muster Stations, I attach a picture of my muster station with fixed hooks on the bulkhead to hang each individual’s survival suit and lifejacket when they muster. This ensures each seaman collects his designated equipment in an abandon ship situation, bearing in mind that if the equipment […]

Health Matters!

The majority of reports coming to CHIRP Maritime, as well as most of the emphasis in our publications, have been on risks to vessels and to personal safety. Injury risks are featured, but shortcomings in the prevention or management of illness have rarely been covered. Our close collaboration with the International Seafarers Welfare and Assistance […]

Attempted Armed Robbery

Outline: A report where fishing vessels distract the crew at the stern of a vessel whilst others try to board from the bow.   What the Reporter told us: This incident occurred whilst the vessel was drifting outside port limits off a port in Vietnam. The crew noticed four fishing boats approaching the vessel, two […]