Category Archives: Housekeeping

Poor safety standards on floating armoury vessel

Initial report A security guard working aboard a 50-year-old and 50m LOA floating armoury vessel reported unsanitary and unsafe conditions on board. These vessels provide privately contracted armed security personnel to commercial ships for armed protection while they transit areas of high risk. Despite having a maximum capacity of 60 people, the floating armoury reportedly […]

Poor choice of knot puts pilot in jeopardy

Initial report While boarding a vessel at sea a pilot found that the combination ladder was affixed solely by overhand knots (see pictures) . These easily unravel if there is strain from the standing part of the rope, e.g., under the weight of a pilot as they ascend or descend the ladder. This type of […]

Handover follow up

Initial Report A time-constrained handover took place on board a tanker at anchor the evening prior to a planned canal transit. The off-signing crew of 21, who had been on board for 11 months, were relieved by a complement of 14; the remainder scheduled to join at the next port. Over the following weeks the […]

Cargo damage due to water ingress into cargo hold No. 5

Initial Report A cargo vessel went to anchor and commenced pumping out ballast water from No1C Water Ballast Tank (WBT) to adjust its trim before a canal transit the following day. Shortly before pumping was completed, the bilge alarm for cargo hold No. 5 WBT activated. The Chief Officer instructed an ordinary seaman to take […]

Accommodation fire – two fatalities

Outline: Even tragic accidents have learning potential providing the root causes are identified during the subsequent investigation. CHIRP Maritime has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Seafarers Welfare Assistance Network (ISWAN) whereby CHIRP will refer any specific welfare reports to ISWAN, whilst ISWAN will refer any safety-specific reports to CHIRP. The following report […]

Alleged MARPOL contravention and MLC non-compliance

Outline: A report concerning alleged blatant contraventions of both the MARPOL and MLC international conventions. Under the MOU that exists between CHIRP Maritime and ISWAN, the following was another safety related referral by ISWAN. What ISWAN told us: We have been contacted by a seafarer having safety related issues on board. Oil from the vessel […]

Flooding of a superyacht

Outline: A report about flooding that could have had a tragic outcome. What the reporter told us: A large yacht (100m+) weighed anchor and got under way with the intention of completing a 2-hour passage to another anchorage. The weather was good and the sea calm. Approximately 10 minutes after getting under way, an alarm […]

Pilots corner – a lucky escape, consequences, and design issues

Three reports illustrating different aspects of an ongoing problem. Outline (1): A report received detailing a lucky escape What the reporter told us: While boarding the vessel at the pilot exchange station, one of the side ropes snapped. No other pilot ladders were available. Further dialogue: Luckily, the pilot had only climbed two steps when […]

Learning opportunities from non-compliance reports

Outline: Two reports were received recently that contained references to unusual recommendations, rules and regulations. Following the adage ‘take every opportunity to learn’, CHIRP is  publishing  details in the belief that they need to be promulgated more widely to prevent ships’ crews falling foul of them.  Remember that other legal truism ‘ignorance of the law […]

Communication is essential

Outline: CHIRP received the following report from a vessel’s captain What the reporter told us: At the end of a long river pilotage, the ship was about a mile from the berth and proceeding upstream at slow ahead whilst awaiting tugs. The pilot ordered ‘half astern’, but the engine failed to kick astern. After waiting […]