Category Archives: Local Practices

Accommodation ladder fails after pilot embarkation

Initial report A pilot boarded a ship using a combination rig. After their embarkation, and while the accommodation ladder was being recovered, the wire falls parted, and the accommodation ladder dropped to the sea and trailed in the water as the vessel was underway to the port. The Master alerted the pilot to what had […]

Poor safety standards on floating armoury vessel

Initial report A security guard working aboard a 50-year-old and 50m LOA floating armoury vessel reported unsanitary and unsafe conditions on board. These vessels provide privately contracted armed security personnel to commercial ships for armed protection while they transit areas of high risk. Despite having a maximum capacity of 60 people, the floating armoury reportedly […]

Poor choice of knot puts pilot in jeopardy

Initial report While boarding a vessel at sea a pilot found that the combination ladder was affixed solely by overhand knots (see pictures) . These easily unravel if there is strain from the standing part of the rope, e.g., under the weight of a pilot as they ascend or descend the ladder. This type of […]

Touching bottom while berthing causes rudder damage

Initial report A loaded tanker (14m draft) entered harbour and approached its berth. The bridge and mooring stations were fully crewed. The pilot embarked and a comprehensive master-pilot exchange took place. All equipment was reported in good condition and working. Two tugs were made fast – one at the bow and one at the stern. […]

Handover follow up

Initial Report A time-constrained handover took place on board a tanker at anchor the evening prior to a planned canal transit. The off-signing crew of 21, who had been on board for 11 months, were relieved by a complement of 14; the remainder scheduled to join at the next port. Over the following weeks the […]

Cargo damage due to water ingress into cargo hold No. 5

Initial Report A cargo vessel went to anchor and commenced pumping out ballast water from No1C Water Ballast Tank (WBT) to adjust its trim before a canal transit the following day. Shortly before pumping was completed, the bilge alarm for cargo hold No. 5 WBT activated. The Chief Officer instructed an ordinary seaman to take […]

Steering gear malfunction

Initial Report As a container ship was conducting outbound pilotage, the bridge team noticed a delay in response of the steering gear. At the same time, they noticed an alarm indicating “EMERGENCY – XX, SERVO LOOP”. The steering gear was in manual mode operated by Follow-Up (FU) No. 1 and No. 2 system control units. […]

Fatigue in the international towage sector

Initial report “Our work levels continue to be high regardless of the awful impact of COVID and this is further increased by a lack of manning. Some vessels are non-operational due to a variety of reasons causing additional workload on the operational tugs and the crews that man them.” The reporter stated that the fatigue […]