Category Archives: Capability

Lifeboat on-load cable release unit defect

Initial report During an annual lifeboat safety inspection it was discovered that the on-load cable release could not easily be moved, and the release lever required extreme force to operate. The forward hook cable release also did not operate properly. A replacement cable release arrangement was procured locally, and repeated tests were conducted to confirm […]

Pilots Corner – failures to comply with pilot ladder regulations

The following three short reports all concern failures to comply with the pilot ladder regulations. Initial Report (1) Trapdoor type combination, accommodation ladder platform less than five metres above the sea. The Pilot told the Master that in moderate sea and swell conditions access would not have been possible due to the risk of the pilot […]

Personal injury – Burn to body and face

Brief account of incident The vessel was alongside the berth. At 15.50 engineers started the removing the cover of the main engine fuel oil filter filter. Hot fuel sprayed onto the body and face of one of the engineers who was transferred to the ship’s hospital for immediate medical attention, while urgent transportation to hospital […]

Ship to Ship mooring incident

Outline: Specialist operations require extra diligence. What the reporter told us: A ship to ship transfer was taking place between a 106,000DWT tanker (discharging) and a 40,000DWT tanker (loading), the transfer was completed at 10:36 and cargo hose disconnection was completed at 10:42. Shortly afterwards, at 11:00, the person in overall advisory control (POAC) informed […]

Flooding cofferdam during speed log maintenance

Outline: The crew attempted to carry out repairs to the speed log unit, which was in the forward cofferdam, while the vessel was underway. What the reporter told us: The repair team consisted of the Chief Engineer who was to supervise the job, the 3rd Engineer, and the Electrician, none of whom had carried out […]

Unsafe practice while working over the side

Outline:  A report which outlines another example of mariners putting themselves at risk by following unsafe practices. What the reporter told us: A cruise ship was moored on the pier opposite my ship. I noticed a stage which was rigged on the port shoulder being relocated laterally whilst a crew member was standing on it. […]

Colregs Rule 10 Incident

Outline: A report highlighting a close quarters situation between a commercial fishing vessel and a container ship. What the reporter told us: A fishing vessel was engaged in fishing within the central separation zone of a major TSS following a basic loop pattern of courses, northwards on 330° then turning to port to follow the […]

Substitution of simulator time for sea time

Outline: We live in an ever-changing world but is all change appropriate? What the reporter told us: It has recently come to my attention that it is the intention of a major flag state, with industry support, to reduce the sea time required by cadets in favour of simulator training. The proposal is to allow […]

Accommodation fire – two fatalities

Outline: Even tragic accidents have learning potential providing the root causes are identified during the subsequent investigation. CHIRP Maritime has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the International Seafarers Welfare Assistance Network (ISWAN) whereby CHIRP will refer any specific welfare reports to ISWAN, whilst ISWAN will refer any safety-specific reports to CHIRP. The following report […]

Alleged MARPOL contravention and MLC non-compliance

Outline: A report concerning alleged blatant contraventions of both the MARPOL and MLC international conventions. Under the MOU that exists between CHIRP Maritime and ISWAN, the following was another safety related referral by ISWAN. What ISWAN told us: We have been contacted by a seafarer having safety related issues on board. Oil from the vessel […]