Welcome to CHIRP Maritime

You can find all of the articles that CHIRP Maritime have produced, and there is the ability to search for any particular word , or via categories based upon causal effect using James Reason’s Latent Failures and the MCA’s The Human Element. The search engine allows for a combination of word search and category / categories.

In addition, all of the archive editions of Maritime FEEDBACK may be found from the main menu, as can CHIRP Maritime Videos, Newsletters, and the CHIRP Annual Digest. Maritime FEEDBACK is now available in Chinese, Filipino, Portuguese, Spanish and Indonesian, and the latest edition may be found under the newsletter tab on the main menu. A new addition to our material is a Reference Library which is updated monthly. This contains incident reports, safety alerts and advice from many maritime sources. Finally there are links to enable you to subscribe to Maritime Feedback, and to submit a report to CHIRP Maritime.

All of the material on this website may be reproduced without any permissions from CHIRP being required.

However, a short note to mail@chirp.co.uk, our email address for generic correspondence, would be useful in order for CHIRP to be able to aware of interest.

CHIRP has published the 2021 edition of our Annual Digest. It contains articles that CHIRP has published in FEEDBACK magazines 62 to 65.

The PDF may also be downloaded from the Front Page of the website or our Annual Digest section.

Click on the image to open the 2021 Annual Digest as a downloadable PDF in a new window

Topics include Human factors, Deck Safety, Engineering Technical & Environment,

Pilot Boarding & Pilotage, COLREGS & Navigation, Yachts Fishing & Recreation,

Safety Culture and Regulations, and finally Correspondence Received

As always the human element and safety culture is integral to each topic.

ISSUE No. 67

Read the latest edition of
Click the image to open the PDF

CHIRP Maritime and UCL have released a video entitled "Sea of Distractions".

Using personal mobile devices such as mobile phones and mp4 players whilst on duty can lead to serious safety issues.

CHIRP Maritime has produced this video with the aim of providing an informational video backed up by scientific evidence.

Click on the video or visit our Videos page

A report recently received by CHIRP Maritime

A vessel expected the Pilot to board with this dangerous ladder

An appalling lack of seamanship, safety culture and a complete disregard for the safety of a fellow mariner

Click on the video image to play it


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Learn more about the Human
Element and the MCA's
MGN-520, plus a host of
other safety related topics
on our Publications Page

Latest Articles

Media – Latest Feedback Magazine, (Issue number 67), and the 2021 CHIRP Maritime Annual Digest. Click on either image to read as a PDF

 CHIRP is pleased to publish Maritime FEEDBACK issue number 67. In this edition we highlight risk acceptance and whether we as an industry have got the balance right. This issue of FEEDBACK also covers a machinery breakdown which led to an allision whilst leaving drydock, where both planning and execution left much to be desired, unsafe access on a log carrier lending itself to unsafe practices, a fire alarm in an LNG compressor room, a collision between a tanker and a fishing vessel, a foundering, and an incident where a boat  tender struck charted rocks at speed. With these, and other other reports covered in this issue, many factors, both regulatory and good practice are focused upon. As always we hope that you enjoy this edition of FEEDBACK, we remain extremely grateful to all of of our reporters, and we welcome any comment with respect to the content.  Stay safe everybody.......

CHIRP Maritime is pleased to publish the 2021 Annual Digest. The Digest contains all articles that were published in the quarterly editions of our FEEDBACK magazine, and also includes a number of Insight Articles that were published with the assistance of members of the Maritime Advisory Board, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, and the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network, (ISWAN).

As always we hope that you find the varied content of the Annual Digest enjoyable, and we very much welcome any feedback that you may have on the content by dropping a line to mail@chirp.co.uk